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http://www.100md.com 《中华骨科杂志》 1999年第4期

     /doctitle>郭哲 敖英芳 田得祥 林共舟 周捷 100083北京医科大学运动医学研究所(郭哲为进修医生,现在116001,大连铁路医院骨科) 中华骨科杂志 1999 0 19 4 后交叉韧带诊断临床方案 创伤及骨科学 期刊 zhgkzz 0 临床研究 fur



摘要 】目的通过对收治的48例后交叉韧带损伤患者的病历分析,探讨有关后交叉韧带损伤的诊断和治疗的问题。方法对所有患者,经物理检查、影像学检查,并结合病史确诊后,分别予以石膏托外固定、起止点重建、原位缝合修补、髂胫束移植重建,半腱肌移植重建、髌韧带中1/3的骨-韧带-骨移植重建、股薄肌移植重建,并配合康复治疗。结果所有病例有效随访4个月~20年,平均6年8个月,方法不同,疗效不同,优良率52.1%,有效率79.2%。结论(1)提高早期的诊断率,可以提高后交叉韧带损伤的疗效。(2)非手术治疗的疗效,远低于手术治疗的疗效,而手术治疗的方法较多,其中以带骨块的起止点修复重建术和髌韧带中1/3的骨-韧带-骨自体移植重建疗效最佳。(3)早期手术治疗和及时、正确的修复并发的复合伤,是提高治疗效果,减少膝关节功能的丢失,降低和推迟晚期并发症发生的重要前提。

    The Diagnosis andTreatment of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury

GUO Zhe,AO Yingfang,TIAN Dexiang,et al.

    Department of Sport Medicine,The Third Teaching Hospital of Beijing MedicalUniversity,Beijing 100083

Abstract 】Objective To compare thetreatment results of posterior cruciate ligament injury of the knee by differentmethods.Methods Forty-eight patients with posterior cruciate ligament injury treated by avariety of non-operative and operative methods were reviewed.Results All the patients werefollowed-up for an average of 6 years and 8 months(range,4 months to 20 years),and had asatisfactory rate of 52.1%.Conclusion The satisfactory rate in non-operative group waslower than that in operated ones.Among a variety of surgical methods,the bone-tendon-bonereconstruction appeared to be the best.Early operation and correctly repairing theassociated injuries were crucial to improve the result and reduce the loss of function andlate complications.


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