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http://www.100md.com 《中华肿瘤杂志》 1999年第4期
     张思维 李连弟 鲁凤珠 牧人 孙秀娣 皇甫小梅 孙杰 周有尚 戴旭东 100021 北京,全国肿瘤防治研究办公室(张思维 李连弟 鲁凤珠 牧人 孙秀娣 皇甫小梅 孙杰);武汉同济医科大学(周有尚);哈尔滨医科大学肿瘤研究所(戴旭东) 中华肿瘤杂志 1999 0 21 4

    关键词:肝肿瘤,原发性/死亡率;肝肿瘤,原发性/流行病学 期刊 zhzlzz 0 基础研究 fur -->


摘要 目的 通过对中国肝癌死亡流行分布特点分析,探讨肝癌对中国居民健康的危害。方法 对1990~1992年全国1/10人口恶性肿瘤死亡抽样调查资料中肝癌死亡情况进行分析。结果 肝癌死亡率20.4/10万(男性为29.0/10万,女性为11.2/10万),占全部恶性肿瘤死亡的18.8%,仅次于胃癌居第2位。肝癌对男性的危害比女性严重,死亡性比例为2.59。中国肝癌死亡率属于世界高死亡率水平,中国肝癌世界人口调整死亡率男性为33.7/10万,分别为日本的2.2倍,意大利的4.6倍;女性为12.3/10万,为日本的3.1倍,意大利的5.1倍。中国肝癌年龄组死亡率曲线分布有一定特征,肝癌死亡可出现于各年龄组,其中30~44岁组段肝癌死亡位居各肿瘤死亡的第1位。城乡分布为乡村略高于城市,城市男性累积死亡率为3.5%,女性为1.2%;乡村男性为4.1%,女性为1.6%,均比城市高。肝癌高发区主要在东南沿海一带,呈现一定的地理分布特征。结论 肝癌的防治仍是现在乃至今后我国恶性肿瘤防治研究之重点。

Mortality of primary liver cancerin China from 1990 through 1992

ZHANG Siwei, LI Liandi, LU Fengzhu, et al. National Office of Cancer Prevention and Treatment, Beijing 100021

Abstract Objective Tostudy the geographical distribution and mortality of primary liver cancer (PLC) in Chinafrom 1990 through 1992.Methods A death survey among one tenth ofChinese population was conducted in 1990-1992 and the data on PLC mortality were analyzed.Results The crude mortality for PLC was 20.4 per 100 000 population(29.0 per 100 000 for males and 11.2 per 100 000 for females), accounted for 18.8% of thetotal cancer deaths in 1990-1992. In China, PLC mortality ranked second after stomachcancer. The age-standardized mortality rate (adjusted by the world population) of maleChinese was 33.7 per 100 000 which was 2.2 times as high as that of male Japanese and 4.6times as high as that of male Italian. The age-standardized rate of female Chinese was12.3 per 100 000 which was 3.1 and 5.1 times as high compared to female Japanese andfemale Italian, respectively. PLC occurred in every age group but the mortality rate washighest in the age group of 30-44 years. The mortality was slightly higher in the ruralthan in the urban population. The cumulative death rate in the urban population was 3.5%for males and 1.2% for females, while that in the rural population was 4.1% for males and1.6% for females. PLC showed geographical clustering along the south-east coast of China.Conclusion Toprevent primary liver cancer remains to be the major task of cancer control in China.


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