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http://www.100md.com 《中华整形烧伤外科杂志》 1999年第3期
     刘元波 赵敏 李养群 李森恺 杨明勇 翟洪峰 北京,中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学整形外科医院 100041 中华整形烧伤外科杂志 1999 0 15 3

    关键词:颞浅血管;预制皮瓣;组织扩张术 期刊 zhzxsswkzz 0 论 著 fur -->


【摘要】 目的 综合应用血管移植和组织扩张技术,将任意型皮瓣转化为可以带蒂移转或游离移植的轴型皮瓣,用于缺损的修复或器官再造。方法 将颞浅动、静脉筋膜岛状瓣移转至颈部,其下埋置扩张器,进行皮肤扩张后,以颞浅动、静脉为蒂,形成岛状预制皮瓣。结果 自1996年以来,为8例面、颈部严重烧伤的患者形成颈部扩张预制皮瓣,带蒂移转,无血运障碍等并发症发生,获得满意效果。结论 在局部无可资利用的轴型皮瓣,不能满足缺损修复与器官再造的需要时,以颞浅动、静脉为携带血管的扩张预制皮瓣技术是一种值得考虑的、效果可靠的手术方法。

Clinical use of theprefabricated expanded island skin flap

LIU Yuanbo, ZHAO Min, LI Yangqun,et al.Plastic Surgery Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100041

Abstract Objective Thisis to introduce the applications of the prefabricated expanded island skin flap based on afasciovascular pedicle.Methods The superficial temporal vessel wastransferred to the cervical region and an expander was buried under it. When the expanderwas fully expanded, an island skin flap was elevated and transferred based on thefasciovascular pedicle. Eight patients were treated with this method since 1996. Results All the flaps survived without necrosis.Conclusion The island skin flapprefabricated in this manner has rich blood supply and can be transferred safely. It isuseful in plastic and reconstructive surgery, especially for the severe burned patientswhose normal skin is insufficient.


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