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http://www.100md.com 《中华整形烧伤外科杂志》 1998年第3期

     李文志 凌诒淳 乔群 周刚 100041 北京中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学整形外科医院(李文志现在北京安贞医院) 中华整形烧伤外科杂志 1998 0 0 3

    关键词:鼻翼软骨;鼻畸形;唇裂; 期刊 zhzxsswkzz 0 论 著 fur -->


【摘要】 目的 探讨单侧唇裂鼻畸形鼻翼软骨周边连接组织的病理解剖变化。方法 对40例正常成人尸体鼻标本和30例(大于14岁)单侧唇裂鼻畸形Ⅱ期手术患者进行了解剖、组织学及术中病理解剖、组织学比较观察。结果 发现单侧唇裂鼻和正常鼻在鼻翼软骨与临近皮肤、软骨、骨组织间,存在有6种特性不同的连接组织,两者间并无组织学质的区别和明显分布差异,但唇裂鼻翼软骨各段扭曲与移位的程度与特点却不同,各段畸形特点与其周边连接组织的组织学特性有一定关系。结论 单侧唇裂形成时这些周边连接组织的组织学差异可能对鼻翼软骨各段扭曲与移位施加了不同的影响,是形成单侧唇裂鼻畸形特征性形态的内在病理解剖学基础。本研究结果对采用合理手段彻底矫正单侧唇裂鼻畸形有一定启示。

    The pathological action ofsurrounding connective tissues of alar cartilage in the cleft lip nose LiWenzhi,Ling Yichun,Qiao Qun,et al.Plastic Surgery Hospital of Chinese Academy of MedicalSciences,Beijing 100041

    【Abstract】 Objective This study was to explore the pathologicalaction of the adjacent connective tissues of alar cartilage in unilateral cleft lip nose.Methods Anatomic-histological and pathoanatomical study was carried on 40 normal cadavers and 30patients with secondary deformities of unilateral cleft lip during their operations.Results Six kinds of connective tissues with different histological features were foundbetween the alar cartilage and adjacent skin,cartilage or bone.There was no histologicaldifference in each connective tissue between the normal and the cleft lip nose.In thecleft lip nose,due to histological differences among the six connective tissues,thereexisted various changes of pathological dislocations between the alar cartilage andadjacent skin,cartilage or bone. Conclusion The authors suggest that thesurrounding connective tissues of the alar cartilage play an important role and be theintrinsic basis to produce the characteristic deformities of the cleft lip nose.The resultis helpful in understanding the anatomical and histological features of the connectivetissues around the alar cartilage and the deformities of the unilateral cleft lip nose soas to select a reasonable operation method.


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