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http://www.100md.com 《中华整形烧伤外科杂志》 1999年第2期

     傅素静 兰行简 高景恒 刘纯义 (傅素静)110024 沈阳医学院附属中心医院口腔科;(兰行简、刘纯义)中国医科大学口腔系;

中华整形烧伤外科杂志 1999 0 15 2

    关键词:鼻唇沟;显微解剖;表情肌;表浅肌肉腱膜筋膜系统(SMAS) 期刊 zhzxsswkzz 0 解剖学研究 fur -->


【摘要】 目的 对颌面整形美容外科提供形态学依据。方法 对20侧成人新鲜尸头行10%福尔马林血管灌注固定后,在手术放大镜下进行形态学观测。结果 ①首次对少数国人与鼻唇沟区域相关的各表情肌逐块进行长、宽、厚的显微解剖测量。②测得鼻唇沟内侧脂肪厚度为1.3mm,外侧为4.5mm。③鼻唇沟内侧真皮层有肌纤维附着,外侧也有稀少肌束附着。④面部表浅肌肉之间不但存在腱膜,还由筋膜、肌肉、腱膜共同构成一个立体网状结构。结论 进一步证实了有关SMAS中央腱的理论假说。

    An anatomical study of thenasolabial fold region

FU Sujing ,LAN Xingjian,GAO Jingheng,et al.

    Department of Stomatology,Affiliated Central Hospital of Shenyang Medical College,Shenyang11024

Abstract Objective Thisstudy of the nasolabial fold is to provide the morphological basis for maxillofacialplastic and cosmetic surgery.Methods Twenty fresh adult cadavers’ heads were dissected withmicrosurgical technique and the structure of the nasolabial region was observed andmeasured.Results ① The data about the length,width and thickness of each mimeticmuscle were obtained and presented in the paper.② The medial and lateral subcutaneous fat of the nasolabialgroove was 1.3 mm and 4.5mm in thickness respectively.③ There existed muscle fiber attachments in the medialdermis of nasolabial groove,and in the lateral dermis there were only a few muscle bundleattachments.④ Amongthe superficial facial muscles there were not only fasciae but also aponeuroses.Themuscles,fasciae and aponeuroses composed a three-dimensional reticular structure.Conclusion This study gave a further support to the theoretical hypothesis of SMASintermediate tendon.


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