摘要 目的:为了提高小儿后尿道损伤的急症救治水平。 方法: 对21例小儿后尿道损伤病例进行回顾性分析和总结,男14例, 女7例。 全部为车祸致后尿道损伤, 其中90.4%伴骨盆骨折和休克。本组14例在抗休克后急症行尿道断端吻合。 结果: 14例急症吻合者13例Ⅰ期治愈。其他方法急症处置7例, Ⅰ期治愈仅2例。 全部病例获得随访,无明显后遗症。 结论:小儿后尿道损伤在纠正休克后应积极早期行尿道吻合术,因早期吻合可减少尿道狭窄的发生以及Ⅱ期手术给患儿所带来的痛苦。对于经抗休克后生命体征不稳定者,急症尿道吻合的指征应从严掌握。
The Emergency Treatment of Posterior Urethral Injuryin Children Xue Mingxing, Yuan Jiyan,Zhou Xuefeng. Dept. of Pediat. Surg. Tongji Hospital of Tongji Medical University. Wuhan430030
Abstract Objective: To improve the results of emergency treatment ofpediatric posterlor urethral injury. Methods: Retrospective review of 21 children (14 boysand 7 girls) with posterior urethral injury due to traffic accident was presented andanalyzed. 90.4% of them were complicated with pubis fracture and shock. Results: Primaryurethrourethal anastomosis was performed after recovering from shock in 14 cases, and theincision in 13 healed by first intention. the other 7 cases were treated by other methods,only 2 healed by 1st intention. Conclusions: Primary urethrourethral anastomosis is thechoice of procedure to prevent urethral stricture and two-stage operation in children withposterior urethral injury. The strict indication of the procedure should be considered incases still on unstable status after auti-shock therapy.
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