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http://www.100md.com 《中华小儿外科杂志》 1999年第1期
     袁正伟 王慧贞 王维林 李正 吉士俊 110003 沈阳,中国医科大学第二临床学院小儿外科 中华小儿外科杂志 1999 0 20 1

    关键词:肛门闭锁;排便造影 期刊 zhxrwkzz 0 肛肠外科 fur -->


【摘要】 目的 探讨先天性无肛畸形患儿术后排便功能检测的客观方法。方法 将盐水控制试验经过改进与排便造影相结合,提出一种新的X线排便造影检查方法,并对45例先天性无肛术后患儿和15例正常儿的肛门综合控制能力和耻骨直肠肌动态功能进行客观评价。结果 反映综合控制能力的首次漏出量与临床评分具有非常明显的相关性,相关系数为0.862,优、良、劣3组分别比较均出现显著性差异。反映耻骨直肠肌功能的各种状态下直肠肛管角在高位畸形良组明显大于中低位畸形良组,并且高位畸形良、劣两组也明显大于正常组(P<0.05)。结论 这种新的排便造影能够提供反映肛门综合控制能力和耻骨直肠肌动态功能的客观指标,对于各种类型排便功能障碍性疾病的病因探讨、疾病程度判定、治疗前后疗效对比都有重要意义,同时操作简单,易于推广。

    Defectography in Children with Inperforate Anus

YUAN Zhengwei, WANG Huizhen, WANG Weilin, et al.

    Dept. of Pediatric Surgery, The 2nd Clinical College, China Medical University,Shenyang 110003

【Abstract】 Objective Theaim of this study is to objectively assess the post-operative defecation function inchildren with imperforate anus.Methods A new radiographic defectographyhas been developed combining saline continence test with conventional defectography. Thefecal continence was assessed in 45 post-operative children with imperforate anus and 15normal children.Results There was significant correlation between theleak volume and clinical scores (correlation coefficient 0.862). The three groups(excellent, good and poor) differed significantly from one another. The ano-rectal angle(which reflects different status of contraction of pubo-rectalis) in the high type wassignificantly larger than those in intermediate and low types. The angles of the lattertwo groups were significantly larger than that of normal controls.Conclusions Thenew defectography provided objective measurement of fecal continence and dynamic functionof puborectalis muscle. It is easy to perform and has wide clinical application.


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