【摘要】 目的 了解孕妇的B族链球菌(GBS)带菌情况及对新生儿的影响。 方法 对120例产妇产前取阴道后穹窿分泌物,分娩后取胎盘子面分泌物及新生儿胃液分别检测GBS,留脐血检测C反应蛋白、IgM、IgG抗体,产后观察母婴情况并随访6周。 结果 产前母体GBS带菌率15.8%,胎盘带菌率10%,新生儿带菌率3.3%,患病率0.83%。GBS阳性孕妇既往流产史多,胎膜早破、早产发生率较阴性者高(P<0.05)。产时胎儿窘迫、羊水混浊及新生儿低体重、新生儿肺炎发生率虽比阴性者高,但无统计学意义。脐血C反应蛋白、IgM、IgG无明显升高。 结论 为降低GBS感染对围产期母儿的患病率,应对孕妇常规行GBS筛检,阳性孕妇应给予预防性治疗并于产前复查,产时应对GBS阳性孕妇及新生儿给予适当治疗以避免发生并发症。
The Influence of AntenatalBGS Infection on Mother-infant
Liang Meiying,Wang Shanmi.Department of Obstetrics &Gynecolog.People's Hospital,Beijing Medical University.Beijing, 100044
【 Abstract】 Objective To study the carrier rate of group B streptococcus(GBS) in pregnantwomen and its influence on their newborns. Methods In 120 cases of pregnant women we detected GBS in vaginalfornix before delivery and in placenta as well as newborn's gastric dischargerespectively,also CRP,IgM,IgG in umbilical blood after delivery.The follow-up lasted up to6 weeks pastpartum for all cases. Results The GBS carrier rates of mother,placenta and infant were 15.8%,10%and 3.3%respectively,while the infant morbidity was 0.83%.Most of GBS positive women hadhistories of abortion before this pregnancy,whose incidences of premature rupture ofmembrane and premature birth were all higher than those in the GBS negtive group(P<0.05).It was also found that there were more fetal distress,meconium-stainedamniotic fluid,low birth weight and pneumonia of newborn in GBS positive group than in theGBS negtive group,however no statistically significant difference.The levels of CRP,IgMand IgG were all normal. Conclusion In order to reduce the perinatal morbidity from GBSinfection,screening of GBS should be performed routinly in late gestation and it isnecessary to give preventive treatment for the GBS positive mothers and infants so as todecrease complications.
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