【摘要 】 目的 了解上海市肺结核患者并发糖尿病的流行病学趋势及特征。方法 研究对象为1992~1997年全市新登记肺结核患者。统计并发糖尿病肺结核患者的构成比和新登记率。结果 并发糖尿病肺结核患者新登记率从1992年的0.70/10万上升至1997年的2.10/10万,年递增率达到24.57%,占患者总数的构成比从1.64%上升至4.86%。地区间存在显著差异,构成比和新登记率市区高于郊区,郊区高于郊县。并发比例随着年龄的增大而增加,女性高于男性。与一般患者比较,并发糖尿病患者的痰菌阳性率高达48%,Ⅲ型患者比例高达86%,而且Ⅲ和Ⅳ型患者中有空洞的比例也高达33%,均存在显著性差异。复发比例也以并发患者较高。结论 糖尿病对上海市的结核病疫情影响显著,应加强对肺结核患者的糖尿病的诊断,开展针对性的短程化疗研究。
Epidemiologicalcharacteristics of tuberculosis patients complicated with diabetes in Shanghai
Lin Songbai, Shen Mei, Sun Yaling, et al. Shanghai Tuberculosis Control Center, Shanghai 200031
【Abstract 】 Objective To understand the epidemiological trends and characteristics oftuberculosis patients complicated with diabetes in Shanghai. Method All the registered tuberculosis (TB) cases from 1992 to1997 in Shanghai were included in the analysis. The new registration rates and percentagesof TB cases complicated with diabetes were calculated. Result The new registration rate of the cases increased from0.70/100 000 in 1992 to 2.10/100 000 in 1997 with an annual increase rate of 24.57%. Thecases with the complication accounted for 4.86% in 1997. Diabetes tends to be moreprevalent among TB patients in urban area. The greater the age, the more diabetes werefound in TB patients. A significant difference was also observed between sex. Bacillarypositive rate and percentage of infiltration type were higher, and cavity was more commonin cases with the complication. The percentage of cases with relapse was also higher. Conclusion The complication of diabetes significantly affected theepidemiological trend of TB in Shanghai. The diagnosis of diabetes in TB patients shouldbe enforced, and short-course chemotherapy targeting the cases should be investigated.
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