【摘要】 目的 研究奥曲肽(Octrecotide)对自体静脉移植动脉化(arterized vein graft, AVG)后狭窄的防治作用。 方法 72只SD大鼠静脉动脉化模型分成3组,(1)对照组:术后给予生理盐水;(2)大剂量组:术前1天至后术3天,每天皮下注射奥曲肽(0.5μg / 100 g);(3)小剂量组:术前1天至术后3天,每天皮下注射奥曲肽( 0.2μg / 100 g)。 于术前、术后1、2、3、4、6周取标本,采用计算机图像处理系统量化研究血管内膜 / 中膜面积比值、增殖细胞核抗原(proliferating cell nuclearantigen,PCNA)阳性细胞百分数等血管壁增殖指标。 结果 对照组自体静脉动脉化后管壁显著增厚,管腔不同程度闭塞,奥曲肽组则能抑制AVG术后血管狭窄的作用,以大剂量组为佳。 结论 奥曲肽可有效地抑制自体静脉动脉化后的再狭窄。
Experimental study of the preventive effect of Octreotide on stenosis of arterialized autogenous venous graft
ZHOU Yixing, HE Hegao, JIANG Jianxing, et al. Departmant of Orthopedics, Jishuitan Hospital, Beijing 100035
【Abstract】 Objective To studythe effect of Octreotide on preventing stenosis of arterialized autogenous venous graft. Methods 72 SD rats with arterialized autogenous venous graft were dividedinto 3 groups. In group A (control group), normal saline was given postoperatively. Ingroup B, large dose (0.5 μg / 100 g) of Octreotidewas administered daily by subcutaneous injection from the day before the operation to thefirst three days postoperatively.In group C, low dose(0.2 μg / 100 g) of Octreotide was delivered in the same way as in groupB. Samples of arterialized autogenous venous graft were harvested preoperatively and inpostoperative week 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. Vascular wall hyperplasia parameters such as theratio of the intima area to the middle layer area, PCNA positive cell percentage werestudied under a computer assisted analysis system. Results In the control group, obvious thickening of the vascular wall andocculusion of different degree were found in arterialized venous graft. In the Octreotidetreated groups, these changes were alleviated, especially in the group of large dosage. Conclusions Octreotide could effectively inhibit stenosis of arterializedautogenous venous graft.
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