【摘要 】 目的 了解不典型胎盘早剥产前漏诊的原因。 方法 用回顾性分析方法对10年间胎盘早剥产前未确诊的213例(观察组)进行分析,并与同期产前确诊为胎盘早剥的169例(对照组)比较。 结果 观察组发病诱因以催产素等方法引产或催产为最多,临床表现主要为产程中胎心率或胎心监护异常,早剥面积及总出血量均明显低于对照组,总产程<5小时为103例占51.76%,围产儿死亡率110.6‰,其中死产及新生儿死亡15例(7.54%)。 结论 催产素使用不当是胎盘早剥的诱因,症状不典型、产程活跃期进展过快是早剥漏诊的主要原因,对围产儿仍有较大影响。
Analysis of the Causes ofMisdiagnosis of Abruptio Placentae
FAN Ling HUANG Xinghua
Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Beijing 100006
【 Abstract 】 Objective To study the causes ofmisdiagnosis of atypical abruptio placentae. Methods The 213 cases of antepartum misdiagnosed abruptioplacentae from Nov. 1982 to Dec. 1994 were analyzed retrospectively, and compared with 169cases of antepartum diagnosed group. Results In antepartum misdiagnosed group, predisposing factor ofthe disease was improper use of oxytocin. Clinical appearances were mainly abnormality ofthe fetal heart rate monitoring in labor. The area of abruptio placentae and total amountof bleeding were significantly lower than those of antepartum diagnosed group. The totalduration of labor in 103 cases was less than 5 hours. The perinatal mortality ofantepartum misdiagnosed was 110.6‰. Conclusions Improper use of oxytocin is predisposing factor of thedisease. The atypical clinical appearances and short active phase of labor are the causeof antepartum misdiagnosed. Atypical abruptio placentae is an important causes ofperinatal mortality.
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