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http://www.100md.com 《中华放射学杂志》 1999年第4期
     方松华 胡建斌 章士正 金梅 周林江 祝向东 310016杭州,浙江医科大学附属邵逸夫医院放射科(方松华、 胡建斌、章士正),病理科(金梅);上海医科大学附属华山医院放射科(周林江);浙江医科大学附属第二医院神经外科(祝向东) 中华放射学杂志 1999 0 33 4

    关键词:神经胶质瘤;脑肿瘤;磁共振成像 期刊 zhfsxzz 0 中枢神经系统放射学 fur -->


【摘要】 目的 评价MRI对大脑胶质瘤病的诊断价值。方法 经病理证实的大脑胶质瘤病15例(14例手术,1例活检),回顾分析其MR表现。结果 除1例病灶累及大脑2叶外,其余均累及3叶或以上,病灶在T1 WI上均呈低或等低信号、T2 WI上呈高信号,边界不清,局部脑组织轻微肿胀,占位表现不明显。增强扫描:11例无明显强化;1例病灶区斑片状强化;1例结节状强化;2例局部血管及脑沟裂可见局限性强化。结论 大脑胶质瘤病累及范围广泛,通常浸犯大脑3叶,以白质为主,可同时累及胼胝体、基底节、脑干及小脑等,以胼胝体弥漫性肥大最常见。MR T2 WI对显示病变较敏感,是检查该病的最佳影像学方法。

MRI diagnosis of gliomatosis cerebri

FANG Songhua, HU Jianbing, ZHANGShizheng, et al. Department of Radiology, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, Zhe Jiang Medical University, Hangzhou 310016

【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the role of MRI in the diagnosis of gliomatosis cerebri. Methods The MR findings of 15 patients with cerebral gliomatosis was analyzed retrospectively. The diagnosis was confirmed by pathology (operation in 14 cases and biopsy in 1 case). Results The tumor involved at least three lobes of the brain in all patients but one, demonstrating low or iso-low signal intensity on T1 WI, and hyperintensity on T2 WI with slightly surrounding swelling and poorly defined margin; No obvious space occupying effect was noted; No contrast enhancement in 11 cases, there was nodular or small localized enhancement in 2 cases. Conclusions Gliomatosis cerebri was best detected with MRI; Widespread invasion with hyperintensity was noted on T2 WI, involving the corpus callosum, basal ganglia, thalamus and cerebellum; MR imaging should be used in the evaluation of gliomatosis cerebri.


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