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http://www.100md.com 《中国超声医学杂志》 2000年第10期
     李建初 蔡胜 姜玉新 张缙熙 100730 中国协和医科大学北京协和医院 中国超声医学杂志 2000 0 16 10

    关键词:动静脉瘘;超声检查;多普勒 期刊 zgcsyxzz 0 760-761 临床研究 fur -->


摘 要 目的:根据后天性动静脉瘘血流动力学变化的特点,探讨瘘口定位的彩超判断标准。方法:通过10例后天性动静脉瘘患者的彩超观察,对有助于瘘口定位的受累血管的形态和血流动力学改变进行研究。结果:二维超声和彩色血流显像瘘口的显示率分别为40%和80%。所有10例患者均可见瘘口处的高速湍流、瘘口近端动脉血流为低阻型以及静脉内探及动脉样血流。结论:彩超对后天性动静脉瘘瘘口定位准确,主要根据血流动力学改变来进行定位。

DiagnosticApproach for Localization of Acquired Arteriovenous

    Fistula by Color Doppler Flow Imaging

Li Jianchu,CaiSheng,Jiang Yuxin,et al

    (Peking Union Medical College Hospital,Beijing 100730 China)

ABSTRACT Objective:Toevaluate the diagnostic approaches for localization of acquired arteriovenous fistulas byCDFI based on hemodynamic changes.Methods:The shape and hemodynamic changes of theacquired A-V fistula can provide informations on localization diagnosis.Here we report 10cases using CDFI.Results:The sites of fistulas can be shown by two-dimensionalultrasonography and color Doppler flow imaging in 40% and 80% cases,respectively,turbulenthigh velocity flow was present at the site of the fistula,low resistance flow was presentin the artery proximal to the fistula,and artery-like flow was detected in thevein.Conclusion:CDFI is accurate for the localization of acquired arteriovenousfistula,and it is mainly by hemodynamic changes.


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