【摘要】 目的 比较加强医疗质量管理前后的病案撰写质量。 方法 采用系统抽样的方法,分别抽取2002年7~12月和2004年7~12月的住院病史各126份,进行前后对照研究。 结果 干预前2002年病案撰写质量平均得分92.23分、甲级率90.48%,干预后2004年病案撰写质量平均得分94.84分、甲级率97.62%,两组间存在显著性差异。 结论 通过加强医疗质量管理,综合应用各种管理措施,可明显提高病案撰写质量。【关键词】 医疗质量管理;管理措施;病案质量
A study on the active administrative supervising in qualification of the medical history records
LI Mei-fang,DING Fu-hao,GUO Jian.
Zhou Pu Hospital,NanHui District,Shanghai201318,China
【Abstract】 Objective To confirm the effect of active administrative supervising in the qualification of medical his-tory records.Methods By means of random enrollment of hospital medical records,126records collected from July to December2002(before supervising intervention)and126records from July to December2004(after supervising in-tervention)were analyzed in the comparison for records qualification.Results Good history records were increased from92.23points before supervising intervention to94.84points after intervention with excellent records rates in-creased from90.48%to97.62%before and after interventions.Both data are statistically significant.Conclusion Active administrative supervising is indispensable to the qualification of medical history records. ......
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