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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代临床医学杂志》 2005年第14期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨植入性胎盘的治疗方法。 方法 在我院诊断的11例植入性胎盘患者,其中部分性植入6例,完全植入5例,2例因产后出血立即行全子宫切除术,余9例给予MTX、米索前列醇药物保守治疗。 结果 药物保守治疗组8例胎盘完全吸收,1例产后第6周行次全子宫切除术。 结论 植入性胎盘行药物保守治疗可获得满意疗效。

    关键词 植入性胎盘 保守治疗 子宫

    Study on therapy of placenta increta

    Luo Zhongming,Feng Suihua,Guo Zhenyi

    The Central Hospital of Jiangmen City,Guangdong529000.

    【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the treatment of placenta increta.Methods 11cases of placenta incre-ta were diagnosed,including6cases of partial placenta increta and5cases of fully placenta increta.Panhysterectomy were done in2cases as soon as placenta increta were diagnosed because of postpartum hemorrhage,conservative thera-py were done in9cases.Results 8placentas were absorbed in the group of conservative therapy.Subtotal hysterecto-my was done in another one after6weeks of casarean section.Conclusion Conservative therapy is a effective method in treatment of placenta increta.

    Key words placenta increta conservative therapy uterus

    植入性胎盘是产科一种严重的并发症 ......

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