【摘要】 目的 通过对引起良性颅内压增高疾病进行分析,探讨引起良性颅内压增高的原因,临床特征及预后,进一步提高对良性颅内压增高的认识。 方法 对临床确诊的21例良性颅内压增高进行病因、临床特征、疗效及预后进行分析。 结果 良性颅内压增高病因复杂,表现形式多样,预后除少数有视神经损害外,一般预后良好。 结论 良性颅内压增高的确诊须除外颅内器质性病变。【关键词】 小儿 良性颅内压增高 脑脊液
Clinical analysis of benign intracranial hypertension(BIH)of21cases
Liu Runsheng
The First People's Hospital of Yangquan City,Shanxi045000.
【Abstract】 Objective To improve the acknowledgement of the benign intracranial hypertension by analyzing the etiology,clinical manifestation and prognosis of diseases which cause that syndrome.Methods 21cases that were diagnosed as benign intracranial hypertension were analyzed in the etiology ......
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