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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代中西医杂志》 2005年第12期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨应急用神经毒急救剂(下称急救剂)的制备工艺及效果,为鼻腔快速给药器提供适宜急救剂。 方法 以洋金花为原料提取,分离出东莨菪碱和莨菪碱,以丙酮为溶剂,与增效剂按一定比例配制成急救剂;分别制备两批(即批1、批2),采取鼻腔喷雾给药方法,观察对3倍LD沙林中毒猫急救效果;并与急救剂水溶液肌注作比较。 结果 批1组3min解惊动物数、1天动物存活数分别为16/20、19/20,批2组分别为15/20、20/20(两组相比均P>0.05);肌注组3min解惊动物数、1天动物存活数分别为2/16、6/16,喷鼻组分别为12/16、16/16(两组相比均P<0.01)。 结论 按本工艺制备的两批产品急救效果稳定,并且比急救剂水溶液肌注效果好,适于鼻腔快速给药器喷鼻使用。

    关键词 神经性毒剂 急救剂制备 急救效果

    Preparation and evaluations of the agent for the first-aid to casualties of nerve gases

    Deng Huaichun,Zeng Ting,Lu Songyi,et al.

    The Disease Prevention and Control Centre of Guangzhou Military Area,Guangzhou510507.

    【Abstract】 Objective To discuss the preparation and effect of the first-aid of nerve gases through nasal cavity.Methods The experimental animals were cats,which were poisoned by3LD sarin and were conducted with the experimental agents composed of scopdamine and henbanamine which distilled from datura flowers through nose.There were two groups of the agents have been tested and have been compared with intramuscular injection group.Re-sults In the group1 ......

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