当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《中华现代皮肤科学杂志》 > 2000年第1期
http://www.100md.com 《中华现代皮肤科学杂志》 2000年第1期
     【摘要】 目的 通过对59例面部皱纹、颈纹、唇纹、手背纹、鼻唇沟及瘢痕凹陷使用皮肤组织工程学技术—“祛除皮肤凹陷性缺损的注射液”进行治疗后的观察,总结治疗经验。方法 取手术切除的正常皮肤去表皮留含成纤维细胞的组织块,通过细胞培养4~6代后,取5000~8000万个成纤维细胞加入2~6ml生理盐水制成注射液,将注射液注入面部皱纹、颈纹、唇纹、手背纹、鼻唇沟及面部瘢痕凹陷区。结果 注射后皱纹舒平,面部凹陷纠正,美容效果显著。结论 皮肤组织工程学技术—祛除皮肤凹陷性缺损的注射液祛除面部皱纹、颈纹、唇纹、手背纹、鼻唇沟及瘢痕凹陷效果显著,无副作用,能维持较长时间,有推广价值。

    【关键词】 组织工程学;面部凹陷;面部皱纹;注射

    The application of skin tissue engineering in facial defect

    HUANG Jing-xi,QIN Jun-xia.

    Center for Biocytological Research, Zhengzhou Military Subdivision, Zhengzhou 450052,China

    【Abstract】 Objective To review clinical data of the injecting solution which contain a lot of fibroblasts to treat facial depression in 59 cases,to analyze practical improvement effective of depression in face,and to summarize treatment experiences. Methods Samples of normal skin were collected. The means of cell culture were used to make the injecting solution which contain a lot of fibroblasts. The solution was injected into facial depression and wrinkle area.Each time dose is 2~6ml. The dose used varied according to individual patient. Injecting into dermal layer is appropriate.Results An excellent improvement of facial wrinkle was obtain ......

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