【摘要】 目的 通过分析流动人口传染病发病流行特点,为控制策略的制定提供科学依据。方法 应用描述流行病学方法分析传染病报告资料。结果 广州市近5年流动人口传染病发病呈上升趋势,从1997年的2266例升至2001年的3643例,其中以血源及性传染病居多,占49.95%,多个疫苗可预防的病种发病高于常住人口,发病职业主要集中在民工、工人、家务待业、散居儿童和其他,共占流动人口发病总数的70.77%。结论 广州市流动人口传染病发病趋势日渐严峻,制定并实施科学控制策略刻不容缓。【关键词】 流动人口;传染病;流行
Epidemiological survey and control analysis of infectious diseases in floating population in Guangzhou area during 5 years
YANG Zhi-cong,CAI Yan-shan,WU Xue-hong.
Guangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Guangzhou 510080,China
【Abstract】 Objective To provide with scientific evidence for working out control strategies by analyzing epidemic characteristics of contagious diseases in floating population.Methods Analyzing reporting data of contagious diseases by using descriptive epidemiology.Results The incidence rate of contagious diseases in floating population increased within five years,in namely case number of contagious diseases increased from 2266 in 1997 to 3643 in 2001.49.95% of all were transmitted through blood or sexual behavior.The incidences rate of contagious diseases that could be prevented from receiving vaccinations were higher than the incidence rate among local residents.With accordance of job classifications,70.77% cases were peasantry-workers,workers,house-workers or off-position workers,home-living children,and other.Conclusion Incidence rate of contagious diseases in floating populations is gradually becoming challenges.It is urgent to work out scientific strategies and implementation of interventions as well for controlling contagious diseases in floating population. ......
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