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http://www.100md.com 《河北医学杂志》 2005年第2期
     摘 要:目的:探讨肺心病心律失常的临床特征及治疗原则。方法:本组病例总共136例,全部于入院后48h内通过24h心电监护或反复常规12导联心电图检查,及时地发现心律失常类型并加以分析。结果:本组肺心病患者合并心律失常率达67.64%(92例),其心律失常类型以房性心律失常最多,占42.08%,其次为窦性心动过速及室性心律失常。严重心律失常如室上性心动过速、多源室早、房室传导阻滞、房扑等也常出现。心律失常的出现及严重程度与患者病情的严重程度相关性明显,如心衰程度、肺部感染、低氧血症、水电解质紊乱等密切相关。结论:肺心病心律失常发生率较高,且与肺心病患者病情严重程度密切相关,而心律失常治疗应通过积极的病因及合并症治疗,使用抗心律失常药物不是最佳办法。

    关键词: 肺心病; 心律失常; 心电图描记法

    The Clinical Therapy and Features of Arrhythmias in Patients with Pulmonary Heart Disease

    HUANG Lin-feng, WEN Wen-chuan, WANG Li-mei, LIN Guang-ling

    (The Second Hospital of Shantou, Guangdong Shantou 515011, China)

    Abstract: Objective: To study the clinical therapy and features of arrhythmias in patients with pulmonary heart disease. Method: Clinical data, electrocardiogram and dynamic electrocardiogram, classification of arrhythmia and therapy of 136 cases of patients with pulmonary heart disease were collected and analyzed. Result: Of 136 cases patients with pulmonary heart disease, there were 92 cases (67.64%) with arrhythmias. The main classification of arrhythmia were atrial arrhythmia(42.08%), sinus tachycardia and ventricular arrhythmia, in addition superventrical tachycardia, polymorphic ventricular premature beat, atrioventricularonary heart disease patiens with clinical variables[J] .Am J Cardial ......

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