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     丁 怡 1 ,于得才2 ,唐 星1

    (1.沈阳药科大学药学院,辽宁 沈阳 110016; 2. 包头中药厂, 内蒙古 包头 014046)

    摘要:目的 研究姜黄素和丹皮酚组成的复方片剂的制备工艺。方法 采用HPLC法测定复方姜黄片中姜黄素和丹皮酚两种指标成分,并考察这2种指标成分在制备过程的变化。结果 姜黄素在粉碎、制粒、片剂包衣过程中含量没有显著变化,但在压片过程中含量显著下降。而丹皮酚在制备过程中含量均没有显著变化。结论 姜黄素为萜类挥发油类,易于氧化、升华,在压片过程中受力导致含量下降。还须进一步进行探讨与摸索。

    关键词: 药剂学;片剂;姜黄素;丹皮酚;高效液相法

    中图分类号:R944.9 文献标识码:A

    Study on preparation process of Compound Jianghuang Tablets

    DING Yi 1 ,YU De-cai2 ,TANG Xing 1

    ( 1. School of pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang 110016, China;2.Baotou chinese medicine corporation , Baotou 014046 , China )

    Abstract: Objective Study on the preparation of combined tablets contained of curcumin and paconol. Method HPLC was used to determine the content of curcumin and paconol in Compound Jianghuang Tablets. Results During the process of commination and granulation,coating ,the content of curcumin changed little, but descended obviously after compression while the content of paconol has no changes during the process. Conclusion The content of curcumin descended significantly during tableting, because curcumin is one of the terpene and it is easy to be oxidized and sublimated.

    Key words: pharmaceutics ; tablet; curcumin ; paconol; HPLC
