摘要: 目的: 评价多层螺旋CT(MSCT)三维重建技术在骨关节外伤中的诊断价值。 方法: 对48例骨关节损伤患者均行MSCT扫描,全部患者行表面遮盖显示(SSD)、多平面重建(MPR)及容积重建(VR),分析3种方法对骨折及脱位的显示情况。 结果: 48例患者中共发现51处骨折,MPR显示了所有骨折的部位及形态, SSD技术漏诊2例骨折,VR技术漏诊1例骨折。结论: SSD及VR技术可以立体、逼真地显示骨折及脱位情况,MPR技术较SSD、VR技术能更清晰地显示细小的骨折线。MSCT横断面扫描结合不同重建技术,可以准确、直观地诊断骨关节损伤,为临床手术提供可靠依据。关键词:体层摄影术;X线计算机;骨关节;创伤
Evaluation of multislice spiral CT in diagnosing trauma of bones and joins:comparison between different reconstructions
WANG Haitao, Muhebaiti, XING Yan
(Department of CT, First Affiliated Hospital, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi 830054, China)
Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the value of different reconstruction techniques with multislice spiral CT (MSCT) in diagnosing trauma of bones and joints. Method: fortyeight patients after trauma underwent MSCT, all data reconstructed with MPR、SSD and VR technique. The images of three methods were analyzed. Results: MPR demonstrated all traumas, SSD ignored two fractures and VR ignored one. Conclusion: Both SSD and VR had more advantages in displaying space relationships of fracture and dislocation. MPR was superior to other techniques in displaying the course of fracture line together with soft tissue change. MSCT axial scan combination with MPR、SSD and VR techniques can diagnose trauma of bones and joins accurately. ......
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