【摘要】 目的 本文随机将186例(男126例,女60例)各型(局限型85例,节段型28例,泛发型15例,黏膜型2例,混合型56例)白癜风患者分为5组,进行对比研究观察其疗效,寻求最佳治疗方法。方法 将其分为:外用药物治疗组51例,外用药物联合免疫调节剂治疗组88例,表皮移植组22例,表皮细胞混悬液移植组17例,外用药物联合免疫调节剂及大剂量激素冲击治疗组8例。各组病例统一疗效判断及标准,并进行统计学处理,进行显著性比较。结果 提示各种治疗均有效。外用药物治疗组有效率(治愈+显效+有效)88.2%,外用药物联合调节剂治疗组有效率 90.9%,表皮移植有效率100%,细胞混悬液移植组有效率100%,外用药物联合免疫及大剂量激素冲击治疗组有效率100%。统计学处理提示各治疗组之间有效率差异无显著性,但显效率(治愈+显效)之间差异有显著性。外用药物治疗组显效率15.7%,外用药物联合免疫调节剂治疗组显效率26.0%,前者明显低于后者。证明表皮移植、细胞混悬液移植、外用药物联合免疫调节剂大剂量激素冲击治疗为目前治疗白癜风最佳方法之一,如能联合使用,疗效确切,是对于外用药物及外用药物联合免疫调节剂的一个补充。结论 白癜风的治疗目前仍是一个棘手的问题。上述所介绍的方法无疑是在实践中切实可行的方法,各有特色,可以酌情选择,也可以联合应用,相互补充。【关键词】 白癜风;综合治疗;对比研究
Effects of various methods in treatment of vitiligo:a report of 186 cases
ZHANG Di-jun,HE Guo-qiang,HUANGPU Jin-ling,et al.
Kunming General Hospital of Chengdu Military District,Kunming 650032,China
【Abstract】 Objective To observe effects of five kinds of methods in the treatment of vitiligo.Methods 186 cases of vitiligo were selected,male 126 cases,female 60 cases,topical type 85 cases,segmental type 28 cases,mucosal type 2 cases,mixed type 56 cases.The patients were divided into 5 groups:external apply group 51 cases,external apply comlined with immune modulators 88 cases,epidermic grafting 22 cases,epidermic cells suspension transplantation 17 cases,external apply comlined with immune modulators and hormonal pulse therapy 8 cases.Results The therapeutic effect were found in every group.Efficacy rate in external applied group was 88.2%,external apply comtined immune modulators 90.9%,epidermic grafting 100%,epidermic cell suspension transplantation 100%,external apply combined with immune modulators and hormonal pulse therapy 100%.It was proved that epidermic grafting,epidermic cell suspension transplantation,external apply combined with immune modulators and hormonal pulse therapy was the best methods to treat vitiligo.Conclusion The vitiligo is a refractory disease,the methods mentioned above would play a part of role in the treatment of the disease. ......
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