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http://www.100md.com 《中国热带医学杂志》 2005年第2期
     摘要:目的 探讨TRUST、ELISA和TPPA法检测梅毒抗体的效果,评价深圳献血人群的梅毒感染情况。为临床安全用血提供依据。 方法 12 600例无偿献血者标本皆采用TRUST和ELISA两种方法平行进行梅毒检测。对其中任何一种方法检测阳性者,用TPPA方法进行确认(1:80以上者为阳性)。 结果 TRUST方法检测梅毒,阳性例数有62例,阳性检出率为049%;ELISA法为118例,阳性检出率为094%。后经TPPA确认,结果为116例阳性,确认阳性率为092%。TRUST检出率明显低于ELISA法和TPPA法。 结论 单纯采用TRUST检测筛查献血人群梅毒抗体检出率低,不适用于健康人群梅毒抗体的筛查。

    关键词:梅毒; TRUST ;ELISA;献血者

    Analysis of results of determination of syphilis from blood donors with different methods ZENG Jing-feng, LAN Yu- xiao, NIE Dong-mei, et al (Shenzhen Blood Center, Shenzhen 518100, Guangdong, P R China)

    Abstract:Objective To investigate the morbidity and distribution of blood donors with positive syphilis antibody (PSA) in the donor population of Shenzhen City and improve the ability for syphilis antibody screening in the donor population Method The blood samples were assayed by parallel methods of TRUST and ELISA If the sample was PSA with one assay, it will be measured with another assay If the sample was positive again, it will be measured by TPPA method for specific validation of syphilis antibody ( above 1:80 as PSA) Results The samples from 12600 cases of donors had been assayed with TRUST and ELISA,and 62 and 118 positives were detected with the positive rates of 049% and 094%,respectively 116 cases were positive with TPPA assay The valid positive rate was 092 %  The positive rate with TRUST method was obviously lower than that with ELISA and TPPA methods Conclusion The results suggest that the false negative syphilis antibody may occur in the screening blood donors with single TRUST assay, which and there would be potential risk for safe use of blood  ......

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