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http://www.100md.com 《中国热带医学杂志》 2005年第2期
     摘要:目的 调查海南省西北部原登革热流行区埃及伊蚊及白纹蚊种群密度、孳生习性、季节消长,为监测与预防控制登革热提供理论依据。 方法 从1997年雨季至1998年旱季采用诱卵器诱捕方法在4个不同区域与不同结构住宅区诱捕。 结果 在原登革热流行区4个不同区域与不同结构住宅区共检查诱卵2 560个,诱卵器阳性数为416个,其中埃及伊蚊、白纹伊蚊与此两种蚊虫混合孳生诱卵器阳性数分别为170个、230个与16个,其诱卵器指数分别为664、898与063。在4个不同区域与不同结构住宅区查出埃及伊蚊诱卵器指数按高低顺序为大拉村(1672)、新坡镇(406)、金江镇B区(391)、金江镇A区(188);而查出白纹伊蚊诱卵器指数以金江镇B区为最高(1203),其次为新坡镇(1141)、大拉村(906)、金江镇A区(344);4个不同区域与不同结构住宅区埃及伊蚊与白纹伊蚊种群密度高峰在雨季(4~9月);在旱季(1~3月)则明显下降。在室内、外查出埃及伊蚊与白纹伊蚊诱卵器指数分别为625与369及750与2062;室外白纹伊蚊诱卵器指数是室内的559倍,而埃及伊蚊仅为12倍。 结论 埃及伊蚊与白纹伊蚊在海南省西北部原登革热流行区大量存在;其种群密度与住宅区环境条件、气象因素有关。埃及伊蚊仍喜欢孳生于室内、外积水容器,白纹伊蚊则喜欢孳生于室外积水容器。


    中图分类号:R3841 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-9727(2005)02-230-02

    Investigaton on Ae.aegypti and Ae.albopictus in the northwestern part of Hainan Province. WANG Zhi-guang,WANG Shan-qing,Masaji ONO,et al. (Hainan Provincal Center for Disease Control and Prevention Haikou,570203,Hainan, P R China)

    Abstract:Objective Mainly for investigating the population densities,seasonal fluctuations,resting habits of Ae.aegypti and Ae.albopictus in the northwestern part endemic with denguc fever in this province after comprehensive treatment. Methods To colleet the mosquitos in 4 residential areas with ovitraps. Results To tally 2 560 ivitraps were examained including 416 positived mosquitoes ovitraps,of which,170 were infested with Ae.aegypti and Ae.albopictus (cii was 6.64) and 230 were infested with (cii was 8.98) and 16 were infested with Ae.aegypti and Ae.albopictus (cii was 0.63). in the 4 residential areas the higest (cii 16.72) for Ae.aegypti was observed in Dala village,in the others are in the descending order of Sinpo Township (cii 4.06),in section B of Jinjiang Township (cii 3.91),in section A of Jinjiang Township (cii 1.88); in section B of Jinjiang Township (cii 12.03),for Ae.albopictus, in the others are in the descending oeder of Sinpo Township,Dala village (cii 9.06), section A of Jinjiang township (cii 3.44). The peak population densities of Ae.aegypti and Ae.albopictus in the 4 residential areas were observed in the raining season (from April to September). and the population densities were obviously decreased in the drying season (from january to March). The cii for Ae.albopictus detected outdoor were 5.59 times higher than that detected indoor were only 1.2 times than that indoors. Conclusion Ae.aegypti and Ae.albopictus stil exist in north western part,the prevalence of dengue fever. Ae.aegypti prefers to breed in indoor water containers,while, Ae.albopictus prefers to breed in outdoor containers. The population dendities of Ae.aegypti and Ae.albopictus are associated with the factors of enviromeetal conditions and climate in the residential areas. ......

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