当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《中国药剂学杂志》 > 2005年第5期 > 正文

    刘淑平1,王东凯1,张 蓓1,邱志斌1,徐 飒2

    (1.沈阳药科大学 药学院, 辽宁 沈阳 110016; 2. 沈阳沃森药物研究所,辽宁 沈阳 110016)

    摘要: 目的 制备出稳定性良好的银杏达莫冻干针剂。方法 通过药物的溶解情况筛选出增溶剂,结合制剂的色泽、外观和澄明度,选出支持剂。通过影响因素试验,加速试验和长期试验考察其稳定性。结果 选用吐温–80为增溶剂,甘露醇为支持剂,注射用银杏达莫对光稳定性较差。结论 本品制备方便,稳定性好。

    关键词: 药剂学;冷冻干燥; 银杏总黄酮;双嘧达莫;药物含量;药物稳定性

    中图分类号 R 94 文献标识码 :A

    Study on the preparation and stability of ginkgo leaf extract and diphyridamole for injection

    LIU Shu-ping1,WANG Dong-kai1,ZHANG Bei1, QIU Zhi-bin1, XU Sa2

    (1. School of Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang 110016, China; 2.Shenyang Watson Pharmaceutical Institute, Shenyang 110016, China)

    Abstract:Objective To prepare stable ginkgo leaf extract and diphyridamole for injection. Methods HPLC was used for the determination of the content of ginkgo flavonoides and diphyridamole, and the stability of drug exposure to heat and light was investigated; Results The photo -stability of ginkgo leaf extract and diphyridamole for injection was poor; Conclusions The technique of the preparation is feasible,the product has a good stability.

    Key words: pharmaceutics; freeze drying; ginkgo flavonoides; diphyridamole; drug content;drug stability
