朱新华, 仇毓东, 史敏科, 丁义涛
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朱新华, 仇毓东, 史敏科, 丁义涛, 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院肝胆外科 江苏省南京市 210008
朱新华, 男, 1975-10-18生, 江苏省南通市人, 汉族, 2003年南京大学博士, 主治医师, 主要从事肝脏移植及原发性肝癌的临床和基础研究工作.
江苏省中医药管理局资助项目, SZ9902
通讯作者: 仇毓东, 210008, 江苏省南京市, 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院肝胆外科. yudongqiu510@hotmail.com
电话: 025-83304616 传真: 025-83317016
收稿日期: 2005-08-29 接受日期: 2005-09-27
Effects of matrine on apoptosis of hepatocytes and expression of regulating gene during cold preservation and reperfusion injury in rat donor liver
Xin-Hua Zhu, Yu-Dong Qiu, Min-Ke Shi, Yi-Tao Ding
Xin-Hua Zhu, Yu-Dong Qiu, Min-Ke Shi, Yi-Tao Ding, Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, the Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital, Medical School of Nanjing University, Nanjing 210008, Jiangsu Province, China
Supported by the Traditional Chinese Medicine Administration Bureau of Jiangsu Province, No SZ9902
Correspondence to: Dr. Yu-Dong Qiu, Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, the Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital, Medical School of Nanjing University, Nanjing 210008, Jiangsu Province, China. yudongqiu510@hotmail.com
Received: 2005-08-29 Accepted: 2005-09-27
AIM: To investigate the effect of Matrine on the apoptosis of hepatocytes and expression of regulating gene during cold preservation and reperfusion injury in rat orthotopic liver trans-plantation (OLT).
METHODS: Eighty-four syngeneic SD rats were randomly divided into control, Matrine, and pseudo-treatment group. The rats in Matrine group were treated with low (40 mg/kg) and high dose (80 mg/kg) of Matrine, respectively. After the donor liver was preserved in Ringer’s (LR) solution for 5 h, the orthotopic implantation was performed. Four and 24 h after reperfusion of the portal vein, the serum and tissue samples were collected for analysis. The cell apoptosis was detected by TUNEL, and the expression of Fas-L and Bcl-2 protein were determined by flow cytometry ......