黄如欣, 游 攀, 陈长荣, 张忠英, 倪宏英,
大肠肿瘤;肿瘤易感性;基因扫描黄如欣,游攀,陈长荣,张忠英,倪宏英,刘广发,任建林.厦门地区大肠癌人群某些遗传性易感因子和抗性因子的研究. 世界华人消化杂志2006;14(2)225-22
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黄如欣, 游攀, 张忠英, 厦门大学附属中山医院、厦门市临床检验中心福建省厦门市 361004
陈长荣, 倪宏英, 厦门市中心血站福建省厦门市 361004
刘广发, 厦门大学生命科学院福建省厦门市 361005
任建林, 厦门大学附属中山医院消化内科,厦门市消化病研究所 福建省厦门市 361005
通讯作者: 张忠英,361004, 福建省厦门市湖滨南路201号,厦门大学附属中山医院、厦门市临床检验中心.
电话: 0592-8778328
收稿日期: 2005-10-25 接受日期: 2005-10-31
Sensitive and resistant genetic factors related to colorectalcancer in patients from Xiamen
Ru-Xin Huang, Pan You, Chang-Rong Chen, Zhong-YingZhang, Hong-Ying Ni, Guang-Fa Liu, Jian-Lin Ren
Ru-Xin Huang, Pan You, Zhong-YingZhang, Xiamen Clinical Laboratory Center; the Affiliated ZhongshanHospital of Xiamen University, Xiamen 361004, Fujian Province, China
Chang-Rong Chen, Hong-Ying Ni,Blood Center of Xiamen, Xiamen 361004, Fujian Province, China
Guang-Fa Liu, School of LifeScience, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, Fujian Province, China
Jian-Lin Ren, Department ofInternal Digestology, the Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital of XiamenUniversity; Xiamen Institute of Digestive Disease, Xiamen 361005, FujianProvince, China
Correspondence to: Zhong-YingZhang, Xiamen Clinical Laboratory, 201 Hubin South Road, Xiamen 361004,Fujian Province, China. zhangzy@yahoo.com.cn
Received: 2005-10-25 Accepted:2005-10-31
AIM: To compare the genefrequencies of 15 STR loci between patients with colorectal cancer andhealthy people from Xiamen in order to search for the genes that relatedto the colorectal cancer.
METHODS: Thegenotypes of the sample DNA were analyzed by multiplex polymerase chainreaction (PCR) combined with 4-colored fluorescence-labeled method. Allthe polymorphic alleles of these 15 STR loci in the unrelated healthylocals and patients with colorectal cancer were investigated. Thesensitive or resistant genetic factors were inferred according to thestatistical difference in the distribution of allele frequencies ......