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http://www.100md.com 《第四军医大学学报》 2001年第1期
     关键词: 脉搏血氧仪;光电容积脉搏波;软件

    摘 要: 脉搏血氧仪中光电容积脉搏波的正确提取和检出是完成氧饱和度测量任务的主要环节之一.为了克服传统设计中采用硬件电路完成脉搏波提取和检出时所带来的系统整体设计复杂,稳定性和重复性差等缺点,作者研究了光电容积脉搏波的软件提取和检出方法,为脉搏血氧饱和度检测系统的数字化设计奠定了基础.

    Software method for extracting photoplethys┐mography in pulse oximeter

    ZHANG Hong,SUN Wei-Xin,JIN Jie

    Department of Biomedical Engineering,Medical College of Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an710061,China

    Keywords:pulse oximeter;photoplethysmography;software

    Abstract:Correct extraction of the photoplethysmography is one of the primary procedures to measure the oxygen satura-tion in the pulse oximeter.In order to overcome the problems of complex system design,instability and bad repetition which are brought about by analog circuits for completing the photoplethysmography extraction in conventional pulse oximetry systems ......

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