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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代内科学杂志》 2006年第1期
     【摘要】 目的 测试生活事件动量对发生糖尿病的作用,验证A型行为与糖尿病的相关性。方法 使用霍姆斯《社会再适应评定量表》(SRRS)和福雷明翰A型行为量表(FLAS)对100例糖尿病患者和100例正常人进行对照测试。结果 按43种紧张生活事件严重性评分,糖尿病组得分较正常人对照组高56%。以7分(A型行为性格量表满分为10分)作为判断是否有A型行为倾向的标准界限,糖尿病组A型行为倾向占79%,而正常人对照组占34%。结论 心理应激对诱发糖尿病是相当重要的因素;A型行为模式的人比较容易患糖尿病。应强化行为保健,提高对生活事件的应对能力。

    【关键词】 糖尿病;心身疾病;生活事件;A型行为

    Personality characteristics and life events of diabetic patients

    LI Zheng.

    Beijing Dongchengqu Mental Health Hospital,Beijing 100027,China

    【Abstract】 Objective Measuring the effects of life events on diabetes and verifying the relationship between Type A behavior and diabetes. Methods Using Holmes “Social Readjustment Rating Scale” (SRRS) and Framingham’s “Framingham Type A Scale” (FTAS) to measure and compare 100 cases of diabetes patients and 100 healthy people.Results Based on the point system to evaluate the severity of 43 stressful life events, diabetes group has 56% points higher than that of healthy group. Using 7 as the standard point to judge if there is Type A behavior tendency, it was found that in the diabetes group Type A behavior consists of 79%, compared with 34% in the healthy group.Conclusion Psychological stress is an important factor in triggering diabetes; Type A behavior is prone to diabetes, therefore behavior health should be promoted to improve the responses to life events. ......

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