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http://www.100md.com 《中华中西医杂志》 2005年第21期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨袖套式包皮环切术治疗包皮过长及包茎患者的方法和效果。方法 采用袖套式包皮环切术治疗包皮过长及包茎患者78例。针对包皮过长及包茎的不同病情,设计切除包皮的长度。在直视下于包皮内、外板作两个互相平行或不平行的环形切口,将两切口间皮条用小圆头刀锐性剥离,保留完整肉膜及皮下浅层血管,并保留完整的包皮系带。结果 78例术中出血少,切口缘整齐,术后伤口无水肿,无继发出血及感染,均一期愈合,切口瘢痕少,阴茎外形美观。并会使阴茎过度腹侧屈曲的外观有了明显改善。针孔样包茎二期手术容易进行且并发症少。结论 袖套式包皮环切术,对包皮过长及包茎患者治疗效果满意,并发症明显减少。

    【关键词】 包皮环切术;包皮过长;包茎

    The experience of refine sleeve circumcision of 78 patients

    ZHANG Hong-you,LANG Jian-hua.

    Commune Hospital,West Ditou Town,Beichen District Tianjin 300408,China

    【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the sleeve circumcision procedure for the treatment of patients with phimosis and redundant prepuce.Methods Data of 78 patients with phimosis and redundant prepuce who underwent sleeve circumcision was reviewed.Results The sleeve circumcision procedure had the following advantages:less blood lose, neat incision ,no postoperative edema, no secondary bleeding or infection, one stage healing, minor scar, and good appearance of the penis.Conclusion The sleeve circumcision is the choice of treatment for its excellent efficacy to the patients with phimosis and redundant prepuce. ......

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