【摘要】 目的 探讨重症妊高征患者发生急性肾衰的早期预警指标,并据此提出护理措施。方法 回顾分析31例重症妊高征发生急性肾衰发生前1周的尿量,血β2-MG,血BUN、Cr,尿比重及血压5项指标的变化,并与同期38例重症妊高征无急性肾衰患者相应指标作对照分析。结果 少尿和β2-MG升高在重症妊高征患者发生急性肾衰患者中出现的比率显著高于重症妊高征无急性肾衰患者(P<0.01);而血Cr升高,尿比重降低及血压下降的阳性率在两组间差异无显著性(P>0.05)。结论 少尿、血β2-MG升高可能是重症妊高征并发急性肾衰早期重要的预警指标,及早干预、加强护理,可能减少急性肾衰的发生。【关键词】 妊娠高血压综合征;急性肾功能衰竭;护理
Early diagnosis and nursing measure of acute renal failure following severe pregnant hypertension syndrome
LIAO Xin-yu, LI Quan-ying,WANG Xiao-jun.
The People’s Hospital of Qijiang County,Chongqing 401420,China
【Abstract】 Objective To explore early sign of acute renal failure following severe pregnant hypertension syndrome and provide related nursing measure.Methods 31 cases of acute renal failure following severe pregnant hypertension syndrome were explored to study group. Their urine, blood β2-MG, blood BUN and Cr, urine density and blood pressure were observed. The 38 cases of severe pregnant hypertension syndrome without acute renal failure were regarded as control group.Results Less urine and high level of blood β2-MG were higher positive ratio in severe pregnant hypertension syndrome (P<0.01). However, blood BUN, Cr, urine density and blood pressure show no significant(P>0.05).Conclusion Less urine and high level of blood β2-MG may be the early sign in acute renal failure following severe pregnant hypertension symptom. Preventive early and providing related nursing measure may reduce the incidence of acute renal failure. ......
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