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Study on cryopreservation of ovarium obtains great
http://www.100md.com 2006年2月8日 中国医学论坛报
     An article written by Dr. Wang Xiang of Huashan Hospital, Shanghai Fudan University and his colleagues at Montreal University, Canada was published in the journal Nature (2002, 415:385) reporting the cryopreservation of rat ovary in liquid nitrogen at the temperature of -196?C, functional recovery of ovulation and endocrine function following reimplantation after thawing, and a successful pregnancy.

    In order to avoid damage to endocrine function of the female gonads and fertility in female patients with cancer etc., cryopreservation of the intact ovary was carried out prior to radiotherapy and chemotherapy and auto-implantation was done following treatment of the tumor. Besides, the female "biologic clock" can also be postponed; for instance, cryopreservation of the unilateral ovary of a female person already given child birth can be done and normal physiological function can be maintained by the ovary of the other side; when the person is reaching the middle age, the ovary in cryopreservation can be transplanted back into her own body after thawing for a possible postponing of menopause or the climacteric period., 百拇医药