Evaluation of three antiHCV screening reagents in blood donorsMU ShiJie, ZHANG XianQing, SUN WenLi, WU YuanRU
Department of Blood Transfusion, Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Xian 710033, China
【Abstract】 AIM: To evaluate three antiHCV screening reagents in blood donors. METHODS: Samples for evaluation were 50 antiHCV serum plates for clinical scientific research from the Clinical Testing Center of the State Ministry of Health. The samples underwent blind screening by fast reagent method, Chinamade ELISA kit and imported ELISA kit, respectively. Using the antiHCV positive and negative serum plates from Clinical Testing Center of the State Ministry of Health as the golden criteria, the validity and reliability were tested with fourfold table and the cutoff of ELISA was reasonably evaluated. RESULTS: The sensitivity of fast reagent method, Chinamade INTEC ELISA kit and imported ORTHO ELISA kit was 48.0%, 88.0% and 76.0%, respectively. Their specificity was all 100.0% and their accuracy was 74.0%, 94.0% and 88.0%, respectively. Their Youden's index was 0.48, 0.88 and 0.76, respectively and the repetition coincidence rate of all the three reagents was 100.0%. The due cutoff value of homemade INTEC ELISA kit was reasonable, while the due cutoff value of imported ORTHO ELISA kit was too high. CONCLUSION: Of the three reagents under study, the Chinamade INTEC ELISA kit has the best sensitivity and accuracy .The repetition coincidence rate of all the three reagents is satisfactory. The combined screening of two optimized Chinamade ELISA kits can ensure the safety of blood transfusion and low cost of screening. ......
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