·研究原著·Clinical application of human tissueengineered active skin with full thickness on deep burn wounds
LIU YaLing, JIN Yan, NIE Xin, HU DaHai
1Department of Burn Surgery, Center of Plastic Surgery, Xijing Hospital, 2Department of Oral Histology and Pathology, Stomatological College, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an 710033, China
【Abstract】 AIM: To observe the clinical effect of human tissueengineered active skin (ActivSkin) with full thickness on deep burn wounds. METHODS: Thirtyone cases of deep burn wounds were repaired with human tissueengineered active skin. The time to complete closure and the ratios of complete healing for ActivSkintreated wounds were observed. The effect of sexual identity of ActivSkin recipients (patients) and donors on complete healing was observed. All the patients were followed up. RESULTS: Compared to control group, the time to complete closure in ActivSkin therapy group was shortened by 6 d for 25 deep second degree burn wounds (P<0.05), and by 20 d for 6 fullthickness burn wounds (P<0.05). The ratios of complete healing in ActivSkin therapy group and control group were both 100%. The sexual identity of recipients (patients) and skin donors had no influence on the time of complete closure of wounds (P>0.05). The followup results showed that ActivSkin might be admited by recipients and degraded after application. We did not detect the immunological rejection and inflammatory reaction in recipient area after ActivSkintreatment. CONCLUSION: ActivSkin is a new bioactive skin substitute for the repairing of deep burn wounds. ......
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