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http://www.100md.com 《第四军医大学学报》 2004年第11期
     Sample size and power determination for equivalence test in simple designs

    YU LiLi, XIA JieLai, JIANG HongWei

    Department of Health Statistics, School of Preventive Medicine, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an 710033, China

    【Abstract】 AIM: To explore Phillips method in calculating the sample size and power in some simple designs such as onesample equivalence test, paired equivalence test and twosample equivalence test. METHODS: According to the theory and formulation of Phillips method, examples were analyzed by SAS program and the results were compared with those by the traditional method. RESULTS: The real difference in simple designs was detected, which had been neglected by traditional methods. CONCLUSION: Compared with the traditional method, Phillips method can more efficiently and accurately analyze samples in simple designs.

    【Keywords】 equivalence test; sample size; power of test

    【摘要】 目的:探讨一种用于单样本、配对以及两独立样本等简单设计等效性检验的样本量与检验效能的估算方法. 方法:在介绍Phillips法所依据的原理公式的基础上,利用统计软件SAS作实例探讨,并与传统的计算等效性检验样本量的公式相比较. 结果:传统估算等效性检验的样本量的公式必须将两药物的实际差别考虑在内,否则将会低估所需要的样本量,而Phillips法特别注意了这一点 ......

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