摘要:[目的]探讨微创改良Wilson截骨术治疗⻊母外翻畸形的方法及疗效。[方法]自2002年以来运用进口微创动力设备及器械,施行微创改良Wilson截骨术83例,153足,其与传统手术不同点为:手术在05 cm切口下操作;截骨部位于跖骨颈部,截骨线与跖骨纵轴垂线的夹角为15~25°,超薄锯片厚036 mm,术后不用石膏外固定。[结果]随访69例,126足,随访6~31个月,平均19个月,优良率984%,外翻角(HVA)和第1、2跖骨间夹角(IMA)较手术前分别平均减少173°和48°。[结论]微创改良Wilson手术方法简单,创伤小,愈合快,早期活动功能恢复早,适用于中度⻊母外翻。HVA<40°,IMA<16°者选择此手术为最佳。关键词:⻊母外翻;改良Wilson手术
Minimally invasive modified Wilson operation of the hallux valgus
WANG Huiting,YU Guangyi,CHEN Guangbin,et al
Department of Orthopaedics,The Xinhua Affiliated Hospital of Dalian University,Dalian 116021
Abstract:[Objective]To study the minimally invasive modified Wilson operation on the hallux valgus (HV) with the final purpose to find the appropriate method and effects[Method]A retrospective analysis was conducted on 83 patients ( 153 feet) during 3 years with the imported minimally invasive Wilson operation systemThe difference from the traditional operation was that the injury was minimal,the incision was about 05 cm long The neck of the first metatarsus was cut;and the angle between the cutting line and the perpendicular line of the first metatarsal longitudinal axis was about 15 ~ 25;the thickness of the saw blade was about 036 mm;and the feet need not be immobilized by plaster after the operation[Result]The hallux valgus angle (HVA) and intermetarsal angle (IMA) declined about 173 and 48 respectively,69 cases ( 126 feet) were followed up from 6 months to 31 months (averaged,19 months)The satisfactory rate was 984%[Conclusion]The minimally invasive modified Wilson operation has advantages as being simple,minimally invasive,quick healing,early motion ability and earlier recoveryIt is indicated to the moderate deformity of the hallux valgus(HVA<40° ......
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