(第四军医大学西京医院儿科,陕西 西安 710033,邓州市第一人民医院儿科,河南 邓州 474100,华西医科大学第二附属医院儿科, 四川 成都 610041)Effects of excessive thymidine on the expression of cyclin
SHEN Qing, YANG CunMing, ZHANG GuoCheng, YAO YuJia, FU XueMei
Department of Pediatrics, Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Xian 710033, China, Department of Pediatrics, First Peoples Hospital, Dengzhou City,Dengzhou 474100, China, Department of Pediatrics, Second Affiliated Hospital, Medical University of West China, Chengdu 610041,China
【Abstract】 AIM: To explore the effects of excessive thymidine on the expression of cyclin A, B, D1 in each phases of cell cycle by studying the relationship between cyclin and DNA synthesis and the mechanism of cell cycle transition. METHODS: Neonatal pigs renal tubular epithelial cells were synchronized by the excessive thymidine block technique and the distribution of G1, S, G2 phases were determined by flow cytometry. The expression of cyclin A, B, D1 were detected by immunocytochemistry. RESULTS: Flow cytometry analysis revealed that (99.5±0.8)% of the neonatal renal tubular epithelial cells were at G1/S transition, (90.5±0.7)% in S phase and (93.5±2.2)% in G2 stage respectively by the method of the excessive thymidine block technique. The expression of cyclin A at G2 phases was higher than that of G1/S and S phases (average of gray level: 136.28±2.65, 145.04±1.35, 147.52±1.84 ......
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