Relationship between brain natriuretic peptide concentration and myocardial wall motion in essential hypertensionFU ChunHui, CHEN LiYuan, YAN Hua, CHEN XiangGui, ZHANG SuHua, HUANG WenPing
Department of Cardiovasology, Qinzhou Second Peoples Hospital, Qinzhou 535000, China
【Abstract】 AIM: To investigate the difference of brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) concentration in patients with different myocardial wall motion in essential hypertension patients. METHODS: 166 patients with essential hypertension and normal heart function and 87 control subjects were enrolled in this study. According to Canau's categories, the ventricle geometries of the patients with hypertension were divided into four groups and the serum concentrations of BNP were measured. RESULTS: BNP in patients with hypertension was significantly higher than that in control group. BNP was highest in patients with concentric hypertrophy (vs control group, P<0.01), followed by that of the patients with eccentric hypertrophy and concentric remodeling (vs control group, P<0.01 and P<0.05). Though higher than that of the controls, no significant difference of BNP was found in the normal geometric pattern group. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that patients with different myocardial wall motion have different BNP level before heart failure, and that BNP may play an important role in myocardial wall motion in essential hypertension. ......
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