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南 京 林 业 大 学 学 报 (自 然 科 学 版)
Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Natural Sciences Edition)
Vol . 28 ,No. 4
Jul . ,2004
何开跃1 3
,李晓储2 3
(1.南京林业大学 ,江苏 南京 210037 ;2.江苏省林业科学研究院 ,江苏 南京 211153)
摘 要:对3种含笑、 3个种源1年生苗在冬季 - 6 ℃极端自然低温处理后 ,测定植株体内可溶性糖、丙二醛
(MDA)及脯氨酸的含量。结果表明 ,可溶性糖含量高的含笑种及种源抗寒性强;MDA含量在一定范围内随种
及种源抗寒性的减弱而升高 ,当冻害表现较严重时 ,其含量有所下降;脯氨酸含量与含笑树种间抗寒性的关系
不明显。综合测定指标与田间观察结果显示 ,供试含笑同一种源树种间抗寒性强弱依次为:深山含笑 ,乐昌含
笑 ,醉香含笑;深山含笑种源间抗寒性强弱依次为浙江杭州种源 ,湖南长沙种源 ,安徽黄山种源;乐昌含笑的浙
江杭州种源抗寒性略高于湖南长沙种源。笔者认为 ,可溶性糖与MDA指标可作为含笑抗寒性生理指标 ,用于
含笑及种源抗寒性选择 ,脯氨酸可作为参考指标。
中图分类号:Q945 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000 - 2006(2004) 04 - 0062 - 03
A Study on Cold2resistant Mechanism in Three Kinds of Michelia
HE Kai2yue
1 3
,LI Xiao2chu2 3
,SUN Yu2zhen1
(1. Nanjing Forestry University ,Nanjing 210037 ,China ;2. Jiangsu Academy of Forestry ,Nanjing 211153 ,China)
Abstract :After - 6 ℃natural low temperature disaster ,the physiological indices of cold resistance in 1
year seedlings of three kinds of Michelia with three species were detected. The results demonstrated that
the species with high content of soluble sugar appeared strong cold resistance. The content of MDA in 2
creases with its cold resistance decreasing within certain range and while freezing seriously ,its content de 2
creases. There is no remarkable relationship between the content of proline and cold resistance.According
to these indices and results fromfield ,we discovered that the alignment of cold resistance of Michelia was
M. maudiae > M. chapensis > M. macclurei . The alignment of provenance in M. maudiae of that was
Hangzhou > Huangshan ;The cold resistance of provenance in M. chapensi was Hangzhou slightly higher
than Changsha. The indices of soluble sugar and MDA can be as cold resistance index of Michelia ,and
may be used to select cold resistance. The content of proline only can be as a reference index.
Key words :Michelia ;Cold2resistance ;Soluble sugar ;MDA ;Proline
含笑属是木兰科树种中较重要的一个属[1 ,2 ]。该属树种树形美观 ,枝叶繁茂 ,花香浓郁 ,是优良常
绿观赏树种。而且材质好 ,纹理通直 ,结构细致 ,易加工 ,不易变形 ,耐腐朽 ,又是家具材、建筑材及细木
工材优良用材树种[3 ] ......
南 京 林 业 大 学 学 报 (自 然 科 学 版)
Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Natural Sciences Edition)
Vol . 28 ,No. 4
Jul . ,2004
何开跃1 3
,李晓储2 3
(1.南京林业大学 ,江苏 南京 210037 ;2.江苏省林业科学研究院 ,江苏 南京 211153)
摘 要:对3种含笑、 3个种源1年生苗在冬季 - 6 ℃极端自然低温处理后 ,测定植株体内可溶性糖、丙二醛
(MDA)及脯氨酸的含量。结果表明 ,可溶性糖含量高的含笑种及种源抗寒性强;MDA含量在一定范围内随种
及种源抗寒性的减弱而升高 ,当冻害表现较严重时 ,其含量有所下降;脯氨酸含量与含笑树种间抗寒性的关系
不明显。综合测定指标与田间观察结果显示 ,供试含笑同一种源树种间抗寒性强弱依次为:深山含笑 ,乐昌含
笑 ,醉香含笑;深山含笑种源间抗寒性强弱依次为浙江杭州种源 ,湖南长沙种源 ,安徽黄山种源;乐昌含笑的浙
江杭州种源抗寒性略高于湖南长沙种源。笔者认为 ,可溶性糖与MDA指标可作为含笑抗寒性生理指标 ,用于
含笑及种源抗寒性选择 ,脯氨酸可作为参考指标。
中图分类号:Q945 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000 - 2006(2004) 04 - 0062 - 03
A Study on Cold2resistant Mechanism in Three Kinds of Michelia
HE Kai2yue
1 3
,LI Xiao2chu2 3
,SUN Yu2zhen1
(1. Nanjing Forestry University ,Nanjing 210037 ,China ;2. Jiangsu Academy of Forestry ,Nanjing 211153 ,China)
Abstract :After - 6 ℃natural low temperature disaster ,the physiological indices of cold resistance in 1
year seedlings of three kinds of Michelia with three species were detected. The results demonstrated that
the species with high content of soluble sugar appeared strong cold resistance. The content of MDA in 2
creases with its cold resistance decreasing within certain range and while freezing seriously ,its content de 2
creases. There is no remarkable relationship between the content of proline and cold resistance.According
to these indices and results fromfield ,we discovered that the alignment of cold resistance of Michelia was
M. maudiae > M. chapensis > M. macclurei . The alignment of provenance in M. maudiae of that was
Hangzhou > Huangshan ;The cold resistance of provenance in M. chapensi was Hangzhou slightly higher
than Changsha. The indices of soluble sugar and MDA can be as cold resistance index of Michelia ,and
may be used to select cold resistance. The content of proline only can be as a reference index.
Key words :Michelia ;Cold2resistance ;Soluble sugar ;MDA ;Proline
含笑属是木兰科树种中较重要的一个属[1 ,2 ]。该属树种树形美观 ,枝叶繁茂 ,花香浓郁 ,是优良常
绿观赏树种。而且材质好 ,纹理通直 ,结构细致 ,易加工 ,不易变形 ,耐腐朽 ,又是家具材、建筑材及细木
工材优良用材树种[3 ] ......