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http://www.100md.com 2006年2月23日



    第 21 卷 第 1 期 西 安 医 科 大 学 学 报 Vo l . 21 No. 1

    2 0 0 0 年 2 月 JOU RNAL O F X I′ AN M ED ICAL UN IV ERS ITY Feb. 2000


    赵正航 徐长福

    (西安医科大学临床药理研究所 西安 710061)

    摘要 对川乌中毒犬脊髓及脊神经病检时采用两种染色方法, 发现其对脊髓腰段、胸段灰质内运动神

    经元有明显的损害, 表现为神经元肿大、胞浆淡染、空泡变及神经细胞坏死崩解, 可见卫星现象及噬神

    经细胞现象,N issl小体崩解成微细颗粒。说明脊髓运动神经元是其毒性的又一重要靶器官。

    关键词 川乌 脊髓 运动神经元 损害

    中图分类号 R992 文献标识码 A 文章编号 025820659 (2000) 0120024202

    Exper imen ta l study on damages of the sp ina l motor neuron s in dogs with acon itum∥

    Z hao Z heng hang , X u Changf u∥In st itu te of Clin ical Pharm aco logy, Xi’ anM edicalU n i2

    versity, Xi′ an 710061, Ch ina

    ABSTRACT Severe tox icity of acon itum to the hear t, w h ich w as regarded as a m ain target o rgan,w as repo r ted in som e papers . Bu t there w ere few er f indings abou t the tox icity of it to the nervou s

    system in p resen t literatu re . In th is ar t icle, the sign if ican t dam ages of acon itum to the sp inalmo to r

    neu ron s in sub stan t ia gr isea of w aist and chest w ere found du r ing the patho logical exam inat ion of

    the sp inal nerves in dogs adm in istered w ith acon itum th rough two types of stain ing . The patho logi2

    cal dam ages included the en largem en t of mo to r neu ron s, cytop lasm ligh t stain and vacuo lizat ion ,nverve cells necro sis and disaggregat ion, N issl co rpu scles disaggregat ing in to m icro2 granu lat ion .

    These show ed the sp inalmo to r nerve w as also a m ajo r target o rgan of acon itum tox icity .

    KEY WORDS acon itum sp inal co rd mo to r neu ron s dam ages

    川乌为毛茛科乌头属植物乌头 (A con itum

    Carm ichaeli Debx)的干燥母根, 能祛风除湿、散寒镇

    痛[ 1 ] ......
