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邱奉同, 张渝洁, 张 利 (临沂师范学院生命科学学院,山东临沂 276005)
摘要 通过对苦菜的组织培养,研究了外植体不同取材部位及不同激素种类、浓度对愈伤组织及芽诱导和增殖的影响。结果表明:苦
菜根的繁殖能力很强,但分化时间稍长;2 ,42D对愈伤组织的诱导能力较强,NAA对芽的诱导能力较强。同时,试验还筛选出了诱导愈
伤组织的适宜培养基:MS + 62BA2. 0 mg L + 2 ,42D 0. 2 mg L ;芽分化培养基:MS + 62BA2. 0 mg L + NAA 0. 05 mg L ;继代培养基:MS + 62BA
2. 0 mg L + NAA0. 2 mg L。
关键词 苦菜;组织培养;快速繁殖
中图分类号 S636. 9 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517 - 6611(2005) 02 - 0241 - 02
Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Ixeris Chinensis
QIU Feng2tong et al (Life Science Department , Linyi Teachers’University , Linyi ,Shandong 276005)
Abstract The influence of different parts , different hormones and their concentrations on Ixeris Chinensi tissue culture inducing callus formation and
bud growth was studied. The results showed that : during Ixeris Chinensis tissue culture , the root was easy to be induced , but it took more time to form
bud. Through studying different hormones inducing buds and callus of Ixeris Chinensis ,we drew that : 2 ,42D induced callus more easily and NAA induced
buds more easily. Simultaneously , in the experiment the appropriate media for the callus inducing was MS + 6 2BA 2. 0 mg L + 2 ,42D 0. 2 mg L ,buds
differentiation and subculture had been picked :MS + 62BA2. 0 mg L + NAA0. 05 mg L ,MS + 62BA2. 0 mg L + NAA0. 2 mg L.
Key words Ixeris Chinensis ;Tissue culture ;Rapid propagation
苦菜[ Ixeris Chinensis (Thunb. ) Nakai ]是菊科苦菜属1 年
的繁殖主要有种子和根状茎2 种方式。关于植物组织培养
1 材料与方法
1. 1 材料 野生苦菜全株,采自山东临沂 河河岸。
1. 2 培养基 以MS为基本培养基,pH值5. 8~6. 0 ,琼脂6. 8
gL ,诱导培养基附加蔗糖30 g L ,生根培养基附加蔗糖15
g L。 诱导培养基: ① MS + 62BA(0. 5 , 1. 0 , 2. 0 ,2. 5) mg L +
NAA(0 ,0. 01 ,0. 05 ,0. 10 ,0. 20 , 0. 50) mg L ; ② MS + 62BA(0. 5 ,1. 0 ,2. 0 ,2. 5) mg L + 2 ,42D(0 ,0. 01 ,0. 05 ,0. 10 ,0. 20 ,0. 50)
mgL。继代培养基: ③ MS + 62BA(0. 5~2. 0) mg L + NAA 0. 2
mg L ; ④ MS + KT(0. 5~2. 0) mg L +NAA0. 2mg L ......
邱奉同, 张渝洁, 张 利 (临沂师范学院生命科学学院,山东临沂 276005)
摘要 通过对苦菜的组织培养,研究了外植体不同取材部位及不同激素种类、浓度对愈伤组织及芽诱导和增殖的影响。结果表明:苦
菜根的繁殖能力很强,但分化时间稍长;2 ,42D对愈伤组织的诱导能力较强,NAA对芽的诱导能力较强。同时,试验还筛选出了诱导愈
伤组织的适宜培养基:MS + 62BA2. 0 mg L + 2 ,42D 0. 2 mg L ;芽分化培养基:MS + 62BA2. 0 mg L + NAA 0. 05 mg L ;继代培养基:MS + 62BA
2. 0 mg L + NAA0. 2 mg L。
关键词 苦菜;组织培养;快速繁殖
中图分类号 S636. 9 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517 - 6611(2005) 02 - 0241 - 02
Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Ixeris Chinensis
QIU Feng2tong et al (Life Science Department , Linyi Teachers’University , Linyi ,Shandong 276005)
Abstract The influence of different parts , different hormones and their concentrations on Ixeris Chinensi tissue culture inducing callus formation and
bud growth was studied. The results showed that : during Ixeris Chinensis tissue culture , the root was easy to be induced , but it took more time to form
bud. Through studying different hormones inducing buds and callus of Ixeris Chinensis ,we drew that : 2 ,42D induced callus more easily and NAA induced
buds more easily. Simultaneously , in the experiment the appropriate media for the callus inducing was MS + 6 2BA 2. 0 mg L + 2 ,42D 0. 2 mg L ,buds
differentiation and subculture had been picked :MS + 62BA2. 0 mg L + NAA0. 05 mg L ,MS + 62BA2. 0 mg L + NAA0. 2 mg L.
Key words Ixeris Chinensis ;Tissue culture ;Rapid propagation
苦菜[ Ixeris Chinensis (Thunb. ) Nakai ]是菊科苦菜属1 年
的繁殖主要有种子和根状茎2 种方式。关于植物组织培养
1 材料与方法
1. 1 材料 野生苦菜全株,采自山东临沂 河河岸。
1. 2 培养基 以MS为基本培养基,pH值5. 8~6. 0 ,琼脂6. 8
gL ,诱导培养基附加蔗糖30 g L ,生根培养基附加蔗糖15
g L。 诱导培养基: ① MS + 62BA(0. 5 , 1. 0 , 2. 0 ,2. 5) mg L +
NAA(0 ,0. 01 ,0. 05 ,0. 10 ,0. 20 , 0. 50) mg L ; ② MS + 62BA(0. 5 ,1. 0 ,2. 0 ,2. 5) mg L + 2 ,42D(0 ,0. 01 ,0. 05 ,0. 10 ,0. 20 ,0. 50)
mgL。继代培养基: ③ MS + 62BA(0. 5~2. 0) mg L + NAA 0. 2
mg L ; ④ MS + KT(0. 5~2. 0) mg L +NAA0. 2mg L ......