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http://www.100md.com 2006年2月23日



    器。通过分析可得出如下结论: ①神经网络脑电智


    统 ,能通过不断地应用和自行修正 ,逐步积累完善。


    疗专家病理解释 ,获得丰富的人脑疾病诊断经验 ,并




    的智能化、自动化水平 ,促进医疗诊断的现代化进


    统的研究、应用 ,可以进行联想、移植构建其他智能



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    (2003207202收稿 责任编辑姜春霞)

    3河南省科技攻关基金资助项目 0124170705


    吴崇珍1) △ 王莉莉2)

    万 焱3)

    袁 珂3)

    高 霞1)

    1)河南教育学院化学系 郑州 450003 2)郑州铁路职业技术学院医学分院 郑州 450052 3) 河南中医学院药学院 郑州 450008

    △女 ,43岁 ,大学本科 ,高级讲师 ,研究方向:化学分析技术 ,有机合成 ,环境保护

    关键词 正交试验;枳实;辛弗林;提取工艺

    中图分类号 TQ460. 6

    摘要 目的:研究枳实的最佳提取工艺及其质量分析的方法。方法:选用溶剂用量(A) 、提取时间(B)与提取次

    数(C) 3个因素 ,每个因素选取3个水平进行正交试验 ,采用薄层扫描法对枳实药材及其提取物中的有效成分辛弗

    林进行含量测定。结果与结论:最佳工艺为用6倍量95 %乙醇回流提取3次 ,每次1. 5 h ;枳实药材中辛弗林含量为

    0. 438 % ,枳实提取物中辛弗林含量为4. 060 %。

    Studies on extraction processes for citrus aurantiumL and its quality analysis

    WU Chongzhen


    , WANG Lili


    , WAN Yan


    , YUAN Ke


    , GAO Xia


    1) Department of Chemistry , Henan College of Education , Zhengzhou 450008 2) Zhengzhou Railway Voca2

    tional College of Medical School , Zhengzhou 450052 3) Department of Pharmacology , Henan College of Tra2

    ditional Chinese Medicine , Zhengzhou 450003

    Key words orthogonal test ; citrus aurantium; synephrine ; extracting process

    Abstract Aim: To study the best extracting process of citrus aurantium L and establish a method for its quality analysis.

    · 567 · Journal of Zhengzhou University(Medical Sciences) Sep. 2004 Vol . 39 No. 5

    ? 1995-2005 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.Methods : An orthogonal test method was used. The solvent dosage(A) , extracting time(B) , and extracting times(C) were chosen

    as the three factors of the experiment , and three levels of each factor were chosen for the experiment . The content of synephrine in

    citrus aurantium and extracted substance was detected by TLC scanning method. Re sults and Conclusion: The factor A had certain

    effect on the rate of creaming , while the factor B and C had conspicuous effect . The best extracting process is extracting three times

    by using six times of 95 % ethanol for 1. 5 h every time. The content of synephrine in citrus aurantium is 0. 438 % and the content of

    synephrine in extracted substance is 4. 060 %.

    枳实为芸香科植物(citrus aurantium L. )酸橙及

    其栽培变种的干燥未成熟果实或甜橙(C. sinensis

    osbeck)的干燥幼果 ......
