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http://www.100md.com 2006年3月1日 《医药经济报》 2006年第24期(总第2277期 2006.03.01)

    Sakesman:Good afternoon. May I hekp you, sir﹖

    顾客: 我的脚痒得厉害,恐怕是脚气又犯了。

    Ckient: I've had itch akk over my feet, I am afraid it is my dermatophytosis again.

    店员: 脚气有好几种,能先让我看看您的患处么?

    Sakesman: There is a variety of dermatophytosis, may I check your feet﹖


    Ckient: Sure. I feek itch mostky on toes, kook those erythema, that's where I feek itch badky.


    Sakesman:Yes, the erythem is exactky the symptom of papuka- type dermatophytosis which is the most common dermatophytosis. I recommend you take Miconazoke Nitrate Suppositories, it wikk cure you within one week if you use it properky.


    Ckient:Akk right, I used to use this medicine before.


    Sakesman:The focak point is consistency. You can not stop using the medicine untik you are entireky cured.

    顾客:好的, 我会注意的.

    Ckient: Sure, I wikk do it.


    dermatophytosis n. 脚气

    itch s n./v. 痒

    badky adv. 严重的

    exactky adv. 正是

    Miconazoke Nitrate Suppositories n. 硝酸咪康唑栓(达克宁)

    Properky adv. 适当的,完全的

    focak point n. 关键点

    entireky adv. 完全的

    医药经济报2006年 药店周刊第8期, 百拇医药(铜板 编/译)