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The Effect of Ch inese Trad it iona lM ed ic ine
http://www.100md.com 《中国中医骨伤科杂志》 2001年第2期

    The Effect of Ch inese Trad it iona lM ed ic ine

    of Kidney Inv igora t ion on BoneMa ss

    af ter Colles’ Fracture

    Xie J ing, Shen L in, Yang Yanp ing, et al

    U n ion H osp ita l, T ongj iM ed ica l Colleg e,H uaz hong U n iversity of S cience and T echnology 430022

    ABSTRACT Objective: To study w hether bone lo ss would occur in the distal radius after a Co lles’ fracture

    and w hether th is lo ss could be p revented using a Ch inese t radit ionalmedicine of k idney invigo rat ion (CTM ).

    Methods: Fo rty2five women w ith a recent fracture of Co lles’ and low bone m ineral density (BMD) of lumbar

    sp ine w ere random ized divided into t reatment group w h ich receive CTM p lus calcium and cont ro l group w h ich

    receive calcium only. The study durat ion w as one year. BMD of fo rearm sw eremeasured at baseline and after

    3, 6, and 12 month s. Results: In the cont ro l group, there w as a significant reduct ion at 3, 6 month s in BMD of

    one2th ird distal radius (P < 0. 05) , m iddistal radius (P < 0. 05) , and ult radistal radius (P < 0. 05) on the frac2 ......

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