(安阳钢铁集团有限公司职工总医院儿科, 河南 安阳 455004)摘 要:目的:探讨行为测定对窒息新生儿预后早期评估的应用价值。方法:对1996年4月至2002年3月间住我科新生儿病房的71例足月窒息新生儿进行20项新生儿行为神经检查(NBNA),并对其进行1~2年预后随访。结果:7d NBNA评分≤35分16例中56.25%预后不良;14dNBNA评分≤35分10例中70%预后不良,7d内NBNA发展速度测定≤5分而满7d时NBNA评分≤35分8例中100%预后不良。7dNBNA评分预测预后的敏感性和特异性分别为89.2%和84.2%,7d NBNA发展速度测定和NBNA评分相结合测评法预测预后的敏感性和特异性分别为94.5%和99.8%。结论:NBNA实用、经济、可靠,且可作为窒息儿预后预测的一个重要指标。
关键词: 行为测定; 新生儿窒息; 预 后
Significance of 20 Items of Neonatal Behavioral Neurological Assessment in Prognosticating Prognosis of Asphyxiated Infants
MIAO ping, LIU zhong-qiang, FANG Hui-zhen
(Anyang Iron and Steel Company Limited Hospital, Henan Anyang 455004, China)
Abstract: Objective: To explore the prognosis of asphyxiated infants prognosticated by neonatal behavioral neurological assessment. Methods: 71patients with asphyxiated infants (full term infants ) admitted into An Yang Iron and Steel Company Limited Hospital from April 1996 to March 2002 were taken by 20 items of neonatal behavioral neurological assessment and were followed up for 1~2 years. Result: When the asphyxiation of newborn was 7-day, 14-day, NBNA>35, the prognosis was good, and NBNA≤35, it was poor. There was a notable difference between them (P<0.05). Conclusion: The 20 items of neonatal behavioral neurological assessment in prognosticating prognosis of asphyxiated infants is very useful, it should be applied in clinic. ......
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