【摘要】 目的 初步建立以随机电话拨号和计算机辅助电话调查为基础的行为危险因素监测系统,并对深圳市成年人疾病和伤害相关的行为危险因素进行调查和分析。 方法 采用ITACATI软件设计和修改调查问卷,以Mitofsky-Waksberg法进行两阶段抽样,获得电话头号并随机拨号,调查18岁以上深圳居民疾病相关行为危险因素和传染病防治知识。 结果 本次调查共产生1180个号码,有效电话459个,有效电话的应答率为88.89%。常参加体育活动者自评健康状况较好,过去1月无疾病的天数较少;安全套使用率为34.8%,使用率随年龄增加而上升;既往和当前吸烟者共占31.9%,男性饮酒率为63.8%,女性为18.3%。调查发现市民自报高血压患病率6.9%。 结论 将电话调查用于行为危险因素监测是一个效率较高的可行的技术方法,应在今后的公共卫生实践中深入研究,进一步促进监测数据与疾病控制和健康促进实践相结合。【关键词】 行为;危险因素;电话;采访
Telephone survey on behavior risk factors of Shenzhen residents among six districts in2004
MOU Jin,ZHANG Shun-xiang,MA Han-wu,ZHANG Xin,XIE Xu,WANG Xin,ZHANG Xiao-lan ,LI Jin,WANG Jing-zhong,LV Qiu-ying.
1.Shenzhen Center for Disease Control and Pre-vention 518020,China;2.Shenzhen Center for Health Inspection and Supervision 518020,Chi-na
【Abstract】 Objective To introduce behavior risk factors surveillance system based on random digit di-aling(RDD)and computer-assisted telephone interview(CATI)in Shenzhen and to discuss appropriate health promotion strategies based on the behavior risk factors.Methods ITACATI software was adopt-ed for questionnaire and database design.Behavior risk factors and knowledge of communicable disease prevention were collected by telephone interview.Results 1180telephone numbers were generated with459effective ones which the total response rate was88.89%.It was proved that those who were frequently involved in physical activities had better self-evaluation of health status than those who weren't.Total rate of condom use was34.8% ......
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