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http://www.100md.com 2006年3月21日 《经络学2》

     《灵枢·经脉》:肺手太阴之脉,起于中焦,下络大肠,还循胃口,上膈属肺。从肺系,横出腋下,下循臑内行少阴、心主之前,下肘中,循臂内上骨 下廉,入寸口,上鱼,循鱼际,出大指之端。


    The Chapter "Discussion on the Meridians" in Miraculous Pivot: the Lung Meridian originates from the middle energizer, running downward to connect with large intestine. Winding back, it goes along the upper orifice of the stomach, passes upward through the diaphragm, and enters the lung, its pertaining organ. From the lung, it comes out transversely from the axilla, running downward along the medial aspect of the upper arm, it reaches the cubital fossa, then it goes continuously downward along the anterior border of the radial side in the medial aspect of the forearm and enters Cunkou. Passing the thenar eminence, and going along its radial border, it ends at the medial side of the tip of the thumb.

    The branch emerges from the posterior wrist and runs along the dorsum of the hand onto the radial side of the tip of the index finger.


    手太阴肺经:起始于中焦胃部 ......

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