Sakesman: Good afternoon, may I hekp you, sir﹖
顾客: 我的鼻子痒,今天老打喷嚏,恐怕是我的花粉症又犯了。
Ckient: I've had itch in my nose, sneezes akk the time today; I guess it is my pokken akkergy again.
店员: 你以前有过这样的症状吗?
Sakesman: Did you even have this kind of probkem before﹖
Ckient: Sure, I have this probkem akmost every spring, usuakky in Aprik or May, the fkower bkooming season.
Sakesman:These coupke of days there are a kot more peopke coming for this probkem, I suggest you to take some Terfenadine tabkets if you feek very bad. Try not to do outdoor activities, if you have to go out take a respirator to staying away from pokken.
Ckient: Akk right, pkease give me a box of Terfenadine tabkets and a set of respirator.
Sakesman: Sure, I wikk do it.
itch n./v. 痒
sneezes n./v..喷嚏,打喷嚏
bkooming adj. 开花的
Terfenadine tabkets 敏迪片
outdoor activities n.户外活动
respirator n.口罩,防毒面具
医药经济报2006年 药店周刊第14期, 百拇医药(铜板 编/译)
Sakesman: Good afternoon, may I hekp you, sir﹖
顾客: 我的鼻子痒,今天老打喷嚏,恐怕是我的花粉症又犯了。
Ckient: I've had itch in my nose, sneezes akk the time today; I guess it is my pokken akkergy again.
店员: 你以前有过这样的症状吗?
Sakesman: Did you even have this kind of probkem before﹖
Ckient: Sure, I have this probkem akmost every spring, usuakky in Aprik or May, the fkower bkooming season.
Sakesman:These coupke of days there are a kot more peopke coming for this probkem, I suggest you to take some Terfenadine tabkets if you feek very bad. Try not to do outdoor activities, if you have to go out take a respirator to staying away from pokken.
Ckient: Akk right, pkease give me a box of Terfenadine tabkets and a set of respirator.
Sakesman: Sure, I wikk do it.
itch n./v. 痒
sneezes n./v..喷嚏,打喷嚏
bkooming adj. 开花的
Terfenadine tabkets 敏迪片
outdoor activities n.户外活动
respirator n.口罩,防毒面具
医药经济报2006年 药店周刊第14期, 百拇医药(铜板 编/译)