【摘要】目的 探索能准确稳定记录犬Oddi括约肌(sphincter of Oddi,SO)肌电活动的新方法,并对记录到的肌电波形进行初步分析。方法 用自行研制的黏膜接触式电极记录30只犬SO肌电活动,同时记录十二指肠和胃的肌电活动,分析SO肌电波形的规律以及和胃十二指肠肌电的关系。结果 用我们的方法可以记录到犬SO的快波和慢波,同步记录以及切离实验证实记录到的波形是犬的SO肌电而不是来自十二指肠和胃。结论 犬的SO肌电记录是可行的,犬SO快波和慢波的发现将对SO功能研究提供一个新的平台。【关键词】 Oddi括约肌; 电生理; 犬
Myoelectric activity of the sphincter of Oddi in dogChen Fei, Li Hucheng, Li Zhihua, Dong Jiahong, Xu Shirong. Institute of Hepatobiliary Surgery & Southwest Hospital, Third Military Medical Uni-versity, Chongqing 400038, China【Abstract】 ObjectiveTo explore a new method for measurement of the electric activity of the sphincter of Oddi in dog and analyze the electric waves recorded from the sphincter of Oddi. MethodsThirty adult dogs were used. The contact electrode on mucosa was inserted through duodenum peripapilla and myoelectric activity of the sphincter of Oddi recorded. Two Ag-Agcl electrodes were put into the muscle layer of the duodenum and the electric activity recorded. Another two Ag-Agcl electrodes were put into the stomach. The myoelectric activity at three sites was recorded at the same time. ResultsThe slow waves and spikes of the sphincter of Oddi could be recorded in dog. Simultaneous recording and cut-ting SO from duodenum confirmed that the wave didn't come from the duodenum or the stomach. Conclusions The measurement of the electric activity of the sphincter of Oddi in dog is feasible. The slow waves and spikes can be recorded in the sphincter of Oddi in dog. ......
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